Harry and Sally first meet in Chicago, where they share a car ride to New York City, embarking on a journey that forms the basis of their iconic romantic friendship in the movie "When Harry Met Sally."When Harry and Sally reunite on a plane years after their graduation, Harry unexpectedly reveals to Sally that he had a dream about her the previous night. The statement catches Sally off guard, and their conversation takes a surprising turn as they begin to explore the unresolved feelings between them.In the classic scene from "When Harry Met Sally," Sally fakes an orgasm in a crowded restaurant, prompting an older woman to deliver the famous line, "I'll have what she's having," which has become a widely recognized pop culture reference.During their first meal together, Harry and Sally share Italian food, specifically a plate of pecan pie. Their conversation centers around the question of whether or not men and women can be friends without any sexual tension, setting the stage for the rest of the movie.When Harry and Sally first become friends, they establish a rule that they will never date each other to avoid any potential complications. This agreement is tested throughout the movie as their relationship evolves and feelings develop.Several years after their initial friendship ended, Harry and Sally bump into each other at a restaurant. This chance encounter sparks a series of events that lead them to reconsider their relationship and whether or not they could be more than just friends.At Katz's Deli, Sally orders a pastrami on rye sandwich, famously expressing her enjoyment of the deli's food with moans of pleasure. The scene has become a memorable moment in the movie, highlighting the importance of food in bringing people together.When Harry and Sally first meet on a road trip to New York, they argue over what to listen to on the car radio. This disagreement sets the stage for their relationship, highlighting their differences and the challenges they will face as they navigate their evolving friendship.The name of the restaurant where Harry and Sally have their first meal together in New York is The Carnegie Deli. This iconic New York City eatery is known for its classic Jewish deli fare, including the pastrami sandwich Sally famously enjoys.The name of the restaurant where Harry and Sally have their infamous fake orgasm scene is Katz's Delicatessen. Located in New York City's Lower East Side, this classic Jewish deli has been serving up pastrami and other deli classics since 1888.Harry and Sally play the Alphabet Game during their road trip to New York. In this game, they take turns finding words on signs or billboards that start with the next letter of the alphabet.The Metropolitan Museum of Art, where Harry and Sally reunite, is an iconic NYC institution showcasing over 5,000 years of art, from ancient to contemporary masterpieces. This is one of the most famous and largest art museums in the world located in New York City.Harry and Sally say their emotional goodbye at LaGuardia Airport, marking the end of their journey together. The scene is bittersweet, leaving viewers with a sense of closure and hope for the future.Harry and Sally share their first romantic kiss in the midst of New Year's Eve festivities in New York's iconic setting, Central Park. It is a magical moment that solidifies their growing affection for each other.In the movie "When Harry Met Sally," Harry suggests that Sally read "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger when they first meet. The book is a classic coming-of-age novel that explores themes of alienation, rebellion, and identity.Hai ottenuto 0 su 15Hai ottenuto 1 su 15Hai ottenuto 2 su 15Hai ottenuto 3 punti su 15Hai ottenuto 4 su 15Hai ottenuto 5 su 15Hai ottenuto 6 su 15Hai ottenuto 7 su 15Hai ottenuto un punteggio di 8 su 15Hai ottenuto 9 su 15Hai ottenuto un punteggio di 10 su 15Hai ottenuto 11 su 15Hai ottenuto 12 su 15Hai ottenuto 13 punti su 15Hai ottenuto 14 su 15Hai ottenuto 15 su 15
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If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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In what city do Harry and Sally first meet?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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When Harry and Sally reunite on a plane years after their college graduation, what does Harry say to Sally?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What famous line does Sally say in the restaurant when she's faking an orgasm?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What type of food do Harry and Sally share during their first meal together?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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When Harry and Sally first become friends, what rule do they set for themselves?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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Where do Harry and Sally bump into each other several years after their initial friendship ended?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What kind of sandwich does Sally order at Katz's Deli?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What do Harry and Sally argue about when they first meet on the road trip to New York?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What is the name of the restaurant where Harry and Sally have their first meal together in New York?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What is the name of the restaurant where Harry and Sally have their infamous fake orgasm scene?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What is the name of the game that Harry and Sally play on their road trip to New York?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What is the name of the art museum where Harry and Sally have their second meeting?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What is the name of the airport where Harry and Sally say goodbye at the end of the movie?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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Where do Harry and Sally first kiss?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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What is the name of the book Harry tells Sally to read when they first meet?
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
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Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
If you're a fan of classic romantic comedies, then "When Harry Met Sally" is likely on your list of favorites. This film has become an iconic part of popular culture, and if you were born in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, chances are you've seen it more than once. This quiz will challenge your knowledge of the film's memorable moments, witty dialogue, and beloved characters. So, do you think you have what it takes to pass this "When Harry Met Sally" quiz? Let's find out!